Bridal Make up . Dinner Make up . Day Make up . Photoshooting Make up . Fantasy Make up.....

Bridal Make up . Dinner Make up . Day Make up . Photoshooting Make up . Fantasy Make up.....

Friday, December 10


Anonymous said...

Wow, looking at the picture of "Sellina Chia" before make up and after make up look so different. You did such a good job.

She looks ok only but the makeup makes her look fantastic.

Connie said...

thx! happy to see tis comment!

aun kok said...

Hi Yes ... agree with the 1st comment.

Ordinary b4 makeup, AMAZING after make up!

Grest job Connie! Well done,

Connie said...

kevin,thx ur comment, i will try my best to do every job!!!!